Have I ever told you guys that i love doing adult site logos? Yeah thats cause i don't. Pain in the ass. But i'm determined to make it look good. www.thatshotdvd.com is going to have biter written all over it. I'm going to do sillouettes of naked women ala apple ipod people where they're in bright colored stockings or something like that and thats the only real detail that'll show other than an errant nipple. I'll probably throw in a hidden image of Hitler to speak my mind on porn sites. Somehow I became the default designer as he got me a big tshirt order (not porn related). I just can't say no to extra money at this point even though I said upon leaving school I'd never do porn design. Yeah well, it's hard living in Van Nuys and NOT be somehow involved in porn. GODDAMMNIT! Why couldn't I be a makeup man or fluffer or something. BOOOOOO on me, I know. Trust me I pounded a beer while I was doing it, as it was driving me to drink.
On a lighter note, Jenn sent me my horoscope and considering my birthday is coming up, I needed the good news and last months was pretty accurate as I followed it and the tshirts kinda lit up so it sounds like i need to stay on that path. following are excerpts. June better be good as i'll dodge the creditors and keep my trip to Costa Rica peaceful. There is note on being highly communicative and considering my travel window, I won't be talking to many people other than in my pretty decent spanish with a bunch of central americans, you probably won't be hearing from me. I added my musings in parentheses after the notation(damn funny, to me atleast, JAM ON!!!):
Uranus rules all things unanticipated and sometimes brings conditions that are even weird or strange (yes, yes it does, much to the chagrin of others).
Uranus is known to bring both sudden setbacks and surprising breakthroughs (once again true, true, I do enjoy the occasional strafing and then stop and watch the reactions of others- i know but it's funny to see).
Nothing can put you on top of the mountain as quickly as Uranus (I do like sitting atop hills and have fallen many times).
Uranus is not due to exit the career area of your horoscope until 2011. (So my ass will only be employed until then?!?).
This month, on June 14, Uranus will slow down and retrograde - try to get your key plans in place prior to this date (better be, i'll be sitting my ass on a beach for the following week hopefully without food poisoning on that date cause its the day after me bday and i'll be hungover, fo'sho (yeah i said it like that), thank you very much).
Good fortune planet Jupiter will stop retrograding and resume forward, direct motion on June 5 (Good cause my jupiter mastercard [or is it Juniper? ehhh here it'll be Jupiter-close enuff] is the one i'm about to dodge, so they better not start calling me).
Jupiter has been in a weakened state (yeah cause that cc is maxed out right now).
as is the case with Jupiter this month, it is usually easy to see the upbeat change. Watch the days surrounding that time (June 5), for you should see some sort of release of a difficult situation or the start of a much happier trend. (so they're gonna give me a credit increase AND release me from my debt?).
You may see some interesting romantic developments in June, too. Jupiter is now orbiting through your fifth house of true love and creativity (well that could be useful, I'm currently on the market, however prostitution is legal in costa rica and the mates told me that would be my bday present, however I've told them to go fuck themselves. Teo don't do hookers thank you very much)
If your birthday falls on June 6 or in the days surrounding this date, you will be especially cognizant of heightened activity around you. It will be quite exciting! (yeah sweet gmp's bday and she isn't going to take any more shit from the drunken guitarristo)
You seem to be very focused on money, too (yeah i ain't rich Beeyatch!)
It is also possible that you will send a large check to cover a previous commitment or obligation (OR THEY SEND ME TO COLLECTIONS, yeah, yeah I know).
you may find that you will have to delay a purchase because you can't afford it (ya heard?).
Saturn will leave Cancer. For the past two years Saturn has held down your income and made it hard for you to earn what you deserved to earn (thats what i'm talkin about, hope it doesn't mean i'm downgrading my car).
This is not money you would win, but someone who loves you could give you a birthday give that makes you very happy (yoyo lotto-California loves me).