Friday, June 29, 2007
goddamn i'm cooked!
I think i've been pretty selfless the last few days. Austin was not only fun but it was work too. Work that one enjoys doing, but upon getting back and working for a mom that doesn't seem interested in whats going on with you. it's been weird. All her kids are going through pretty major changes but i can't peg this one, she just hasn't asked me a damn thing which makes it seem like I'm not communicative when things start rolling.
Then my brother is moving up north and his house needs to get packed. he asked my help in getting a couple heavy pieces into the "pods" and he's not much of a handyman when it comes to fixing things or organizing a pack. Thats where I come in. he asked for help with a couple pieces and i plainly saw that he needed more than that so the last two days have been spent making sure they're done somewhat properly, we all pitched in but it's hot in that little box and my shirt was soaked completely and i was pretty dehydrated. i continued hydrating but i think i still have popped popcorn insides, and I haven't been johnny on the spot in talking to the salmon. that upsets her, to a point she cranks out and doesn't want to see me. fine, but i coulda then finished the job. it's all about my duality of selfish and selfless, but you'd think that ones you love would understand that. i'm not getting any of that this week as it's all been devoted to helping those loved ones, go fig, i'm tired, need a shower, more water, and love from my dog, he doesn't chew me out, at least in negative ways.
wish i didn't refreeze all my food, what the fucks for dinner?!?!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
moms and artists are fickle pains sometimes
I helped mom this morning to fix a ceiling fan and then hang a woven native american rug. wasnt much of a pain in the ass but she never not once asked about my trip. whatever...
then i went over to an artists friends of mine to help him set up his studio to get it fit for a photos shoot and damn me if he didn't just tie my hands and try to do the whole cleanup himself. i finally just snapped back at him and forced him to listen to me and accept my work as i could easily replace things to his liking but didn't want to be there doing it until midnight, he was pissy. then his ironing board fell on my hand and ripped all the hard scab off my new body art and it bled pretty good. there goes some color! finished it and he now has tons of workspace and room for the shoot. he admitted it was alot better but fuck me he was a pain in the ass. 1 hour and 15 minutes laters from traffic over laurel canyon and i was home. i'm showering and going to bed.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I'm back people
And you should all thank sayshuh for his molded vagina, and breast milk links. he's a good fill in, even if oyie doesn't always want to. He'll take to blizzogging at some point. So we got back last night and that town is friggin cool. FUCKING COOL to be frank... or me. I don't like the name frank.
Y'all need to go to austin. seriously, or come to austin when you have a place to stay. That town is so untexas it's not even funny. I'm sending out the pics so you may see em twice. Tons of music, good food, hippies, and bats. The art scene is good. the real estate wasn't as freaking amazing as I thought it was as far as price but thats not going to stop us. They HATE dubya with a passion, and show it in every way they can. The only thing they don't have is Trader Joe's but everything else is there. They're even contemplatin puttin in a mac store from what I've read, but they have an Anthropologie and they have an 80,000 sq ft Fucking Whole Foods! I can't tell you the heaven this place is. Each section is a REGION of grocery and kiosk of premade kick ass food. They even have a beer alley that is about a 30' long fridge full of beer on each side. Right smack in the middle of downtown with the anthropologie and REI (big looking) across the street and Waterloo Music is across the street from that which is Austin's version of Amoeba Music. Oh yeah did i tell you that we got inked up by this guy, John Reed. Super cool Billy of a guy, kinda like me, but more Billy, but just as nice. And if you get time go to the south congress bridge at sundown and watch 1.5 million bats come out to grub on 15 tons of summer bugs!
I wore a different one of our shirts daily and more people got em and commented on them there, than they do in LA!!! Fucking jackass scenester angelenos. You think you're too smart to say, thats a cool shirt. Well texans aren't. AND they're polite as hell, wave all the time, hold the door, say nice things, and even the homeless need to school LA homeless, cause they're nice too. Except for the fuckass dickshit that clipped our rental car in front of our dream home that we will NOT be buying because of the parking sitch. Thank god for the GM dealership that helped us out for $90 and put in a new one and didn't kill us with H[U]rtz rental charges and didn't ding my insurance. not much damage but enough to put a kink in mondays fun. it's cool. Just don't plan on comin out in July or August cause, from what we hear, it's deathly, and unbearably hot. good thing we're going out in the fall. Booyahshakka HEAT! beat me now! oh wait, you are, it's hot in the valley.
Dig the last sayshuh link sent to me!!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Randomness on a Monday Afternoon...
Check this out: Click here and you'll be taken to a site where you can input a word to become the keystone for a great Ad Slogan. Here's something else for your afternoon weariness: Something other than my man-meat to munch on. W A I T ! There's more! If any of you lovely ladies out there wants to cherish their insides forever, Click this and be enthralled with the wonders of molds. If I had one of those, there might be wet, glistening spots on the outer canal every now and then. Plus: Your kids will love this! I wish I had an interactive Pork site when I was a kid...dern!
Friday, June 22, 2007
teet cheese...
Seriously folks, there are people out there in this world that just turn a blind eye to ALL THAT IS and have way too much time on their hands. Now, I love cheese, but when you read this article (done by a French-influenced lifestyle), you might get a bit queezy: Click Here.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Let's get down to it this morning - there's no creamer or milk here at work. WTF? I gotta drink my coffee black? Argh...Seriously, I gotta have a light colored coffee, 'cause when its inky like darkest africa, my mind tends to influence my tastebuds and I only experience bitterness. Even if sugar was added, it wouldn't help. It's a personal thing. There's a small convenience store across the way but I'm not carrying cash and if you use an ATM or Credit Card, there's a friggin' $5 minimum purchase (is that convenience?). If I did have cash though, I would definitely be brining home the white teet juice. In Japan, they are actually going out and manufacturing the Teet Juice for real: Check it out...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
aighty then
Tomorrow we're leavin on a jet plane forwet/dry and hot weather. Atleast that forecast has gotten a bit better but i'm packed and ready and just got back from getting waterproof jackets that don't make us look like black sock wearing teva german tourists, even though i'd rock that with pride. So y'all (get it?) won't hearing from me til next week. if you get a postcard then you're one of a few cause i didn't get everyones address even though i should've thought of a few peeps. oh well, i'll send em when i get back but it won't have the post mark. i think i already miss my dog tho cause he was detailed yesterday and looking damn cute. So hope we find it to our liking and find decent places to possibly live. peace out, it begins as this post ends.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
why do i keep my old school email provider? I used to say there was cache in having a paid email acct for more than ten years, but nobody has asked me about it. it barely holds any email. 100mb i think, 10mb about 3 months ago. It's setup as a dial up acct even though we have high speed at home. my mom uses the dialup acct cause, well, she still uses dial up. Most people know to reach me there but one mass email out and my email can assume one of many other accts that i use personally and professionally. i might have to can it. thats 22 bucks a month, i don't need to be payin.
is it just me?
Or does it seem odd that they have a parking lot bbq at the Grossman Burn Center?
wish i had a camera on me.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
and then on Friday...!
so my motley crue (yes crue) of friends that i happily liken to St Elmos Fire brat packers usually meet up and have a grand birthday dinner for each other. I figured some of us are floating some huge bills, like houses, weddings, moving, cars and whatnot. I figured we didnt' need one for me this year but some took it into their own hands and we went to The Stand and met up with the scorleys, and a few others. It was tasty as usual and a tiny bit expensive (despite what Los Angeles magazine says) but i have good roommates that didn't let me pay. We then hit Springbok for some cocktails. Unbeknownst to me quite a few people showed up. The usual suspects, as i love them all, we had cocktails, conversation, and some BUTTERFINGER CAKE!!! Guwwun sayshuh! it was fun and all i could ask for as most of us are in alot of flux and we have limited time to see each other.
I love you all, seriously, i cherish all you's guys and everything you's do.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wed June 13th
EDIT- Yes, I neglected to put Brents lovely delicatessan in the AM. How could I you say? Cause i was full, super full. Pancake samwich, bacon, hasbrowns, and 2 eggs. Yeah. it was good, super good, as brents always is. AND it was a weekday pretty early so it wasn't crowded. Thank you hetero life partner!!!
So the salmon planned a lovely day for my birthday yesterday and just told me what time I had to be ready. A little after noon we headed to Silverlake and dined at Say Cheese which actually was really effing good. The waiter was weird and polite and pretty funny. Theres a ton of silverlake hipsters running around and the sidewalk dining is always something we love to do. She let me know that it was going to take a minute to get to our next destination so we got in the car, circled the block and parked almost directly across the street from where we were. I was a bit confused until she told me to stand in some shade and then stepped over looked at something and motioned me over. I was looking at every storefront i could when i saw a lady get out of a car and introduce herself. She was, as evident by the magnet on her car, a guide for architectural tours of the city, check em!. Pretty badass I gotta say considering what neighborhood we were in and that we've toured around on our own a few times. It was all midcentury modern design with architects like, schindler, ain, lautner, lloyd wright, and more. Laura was very informative, and let us into tidbits of the architects, patrons, current status, who's doing what and whats planned for many homes. She's friendly and knowledgeable so if you think you'll get one by her, HOLD ON! She's getting to it. She also showed me where Beck lives so i can stalk him as the Xenu freak he is. Nice Lotus tho. We plan on taking the Pasadena tour as well.
After that we tooled over to Miracle Mile as Dinner was in that general area. I was still unaware but we hit up Tom Bergins where i got myself (contrary to the receipt) 1 triple Black Bush (aka-Bushmills Blk Label), and one double for the price of one single. The salmon was able to swim around in a pretty good martini with excellent olives. They really were crunchy good!

We hustled over to dinner at AOC Winebar and were seated upstairs (highly recommended for it's lower level of noise) and commensed checking out the menu. You gotta love a place whose wine menu is about 15 pages longers than the actual tiny menu. Thats not to say the menu wasn't good. The food kicked freaking ass and we left our waitress to pair the wine with the food. It's a tapas kinda thing and the servings were plenty since sayshuh stopped by and didn't want to eat. Seriously the waitress kicked ass and made sure we were treated really well. Any time we got up, we returned to a refolded napkin and fresh plates and flatware. We ended with desert of cheese with our wine that was just good.
Leaving the westside we headed home for sweet love and a nap. I couldn't have had a better 31st. Thank you big fishy!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
if i was meaner, i'd go for keener and hope i get a beemer and live life lots cleaner?
That one sucked but i'm okay missing this boat
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sopranos, cut to black
Well, I just finished watching sopranos and i've only read the LATimes review of it. I gotta say prior to watching it, i was somewhat expecting a climactic ending after all the hullaballoo for the last year but was sure that it could go bust with anticlimacticism. After all the best television series enders I've seen were Newhart, with MASH being a close second, and Magnum PI falling in there somewhere.
I finished and called the freshly annointed bday girl and wanted to powwow about it. i gotta say, i didn't shriek at the final cut. I was expressively nervous with the buildup of tension and the sort of people walking into the diner and the closeups of meadows car hitting the curb knowing on my OnDemand timer that it was almost over. But I gotta say, David Chase, owes us nothing. It's his television as art and a fitting end to a saga that american entertainment has often revered. We got a long 8 season 10 year snapshot into the workings of a sometimes thought, dying profession in America, the mafia. It was beautifully done, tied back to the beginning and left one to ponder "what the hell!" Good i say. We saw Tony's family happily enjoying a meal in peace with his family, but obviously personally conflicted with being in public. We've seen him for sometime knowing that he has to watch over his shoulder and know now that he is constantly going to have to. His wife loves him and sticks by him, accepting her role as a mob boss' wife. His daughter futifully (at this point in her life maturely) accepts her role and goes into a field that should keep the heat on another stove while exposing the plight of her heritage and others. AJ, the pissant of a son finally moves into an area after literally, an explosive breakthrough, to realize he has a lot of options that his place in the family can offer. He is at a selfish age of discovery of the world and self, but still highly immature. The trappings of a priveleged life provide that for him. All other characters seem to go the way they should however unresolved as that may seem. But the final episode gave us enough violence to think that we would be satiated, but then took it another step while showing the twin infants while Phils' head was popped under the weight of his own car (perhaps, we had already seen the foreshadowing/symbolism to this necessary event).
I haven't dived deeply into the sheer amount of symbolism yet as far as the music, and the FBI, and the cat vs christopher or even the obvious Jr. Soprano, but that might be something i do internally or to the chagrin of my roommates. Either way, i'm a junky for reading into television when its good, (ie.-LOST), as the Sopranos is in a league of it's own in our media conscience. I say good for fucking you David Chase, it kicked ass, and left people thinking. I am. I appreciate that series and what it's done for television, and the cosa nostra. It was even godfatheresque if i dare say (parts 1 and 2;3 blew donkey dick). Ms Bday even brought up the closing of Godfather1 where the door literally closed on Kate (and us as viewers-for the time being) and left her to contemplate what she had gotten herself into.
To close, i say it was masterful, kudos from a self described film snob.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
fukk me
I got up this morning and cleaned the backyard as most of it was my mess and the wind and whipped a few newspapers around the yard and the TREE FROM HELL had dumped a tons of seed pods on the ground and they were blowing into the pooches water bowl. i then meandered into hollywood and picked up soft-tees and then back home for a few hours of hard core screening. Cleaned the kitchen (stove and dishes) then cleaned the bathrooms. It was a long hard good day. i heard more about how the former hellhole is getting hotter and will lunch with a dear friend from there tomorrow. Mayo's bday has passed without much fanfare sad to say but we'll party it up a bit this weekend.
next weekend is momma's and my first trip to austin and we're looking forward to it. I have to figure out what the plan is as I don't want to allow much time outside of texas lovin so we can seriously check the town. so after this weekend we need to hunker down and figure out the schedule.
peace out people, birthdays galore this weekend!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
i haven't showered since sunday morning. i think i'm even wearing the same chonies. awesome
Monday, June 04, 2007
woof, i gotta write more
starting from last week, ice cream cone lady and i picked up a couple kites at the hobby shop and went to the park and flew them. It was a ton of fun if you disregard me getting stung by bees on both feet and spending the rest of the weekend with even furthur mutated feet. theres a kite flying society (read-a few guys) that fly a ton of badass kites at once. i made it to friday but as the day wore on my feet got more and more uncomfortable and swollen. It felt like i had a terrible case of athletes foot. I'm not allergic to bee stings but something was amiss. I babysat the nephew so the brother and sis in law could drive up north and look for houses overnight and we had a good time. i took over a couple of lightsabers and we played with those, walked the neighborhood, and made castles out of couch cushions. we played until almost 2 hours past his bedtime as i was given the okay to do so and he wanted to watch pee wees big adventure but we couldn't find it so we watched about an episode and a half of bewitched. This is one of the series my brother has on dvd. funny thing was i remembered quite a bit of it. i told him he had to go to bed and he told me i had to catch him as he just rolled over on the couch. hard catch. put him to bed and he crashed out. indulged on a shower with decent water pressure there and made breakfast early after my 530 (his 6am) saturday wake up. we walked around some more and i read the paper while he watered the backyard. i tell ya that kid won't let anything go unwatered or unvacuumed.
took off from there when his grandma picked him up and met up with icc lady and we hit up long beach for the dive show, that sucked, then to master deans for lunch, then to Andrea and Kyriakos' place to visit. Then home to relax. My feet were huge and red and i needed to go home. Sunday, we went to the Los Feliz Street Fair hung for a little bit and came home. I tell ya tho, use LA's subway, it's clean it's empty it's quick, it's easy, and for the most part it's free even though we paid to support it. Today i lounged a bit after going in to leave a second blood sample as my postassium is high. dunno what that means, but came home to fix computers and back up my 75 gigs of music on my pod and watched the fountain. i gotta say, i liked it, but maybe that was the pot thinking.
My tomatoes are growing quickly and they taste like tomato heaven, just thought i'd note cause they're coming fast and furious now. aight more in hopefully less than a week.
Friday, June 01, 2007
So, didn't do much today. ms strang and i took to the park and flew kites today. we went and picked up a couple of standards and then watched as the pros took to the skies. it was fucking cool and my shit ass cellpic doens't do justice. got home and then got into a dick pissing match with the pussy of a husband/doormat of a guy that used to be my executives hubby. he's a puss and doesn't want to pay me. either way he can't use my design and challenged him to it. thank you very much you pussy ass excuse of a john cusack. seriously, bring it, i'll bash a ghetto blaster over your head playing peter gabriel.