Wed June 13th
EDIT- Yes, I neglected to put Brents lovely delicatessan in the AM. How could I you say? Cause i was full, super full. Pancake samwich, bacon, hasbrowns, and 2 eggs. Yeah. it was good, super good, as brents always is. AND it was a weekday pretty early so it wasn't crowded. Thank you hetero life partner!!!
So the salmon planned a lovely day for my birthday yesterday and just told me what time I had to be ready. A little after noon we headed to Silverlake and dined at Say Cheese which actually was really effing good. The waiter was weird and polite and pretty funny. Theres a ton of silverlake hipsters running around and the sidewalk dining is always something we love to do. She let me know that it was going to take a minute to get to our next destination so we got in the car, circled the block and parked almost directly across the street from where we were. I was a bit confused until she told me to stand in some shade and then stepped over looked at something and motioned me over. I was looking at every storefront i could when i saw a lady get out of a car and introduce herself. She was, as evident by the magnet on her car, a guide for architectural tours of the city, check em!. Pretty badass I gotta say considering what neighborhood we were in and that we've toured around on our own a few times. It was all midcentury modern design with architects like, schindler, ain, lautner, lloyd wright, and more. Laura was very informative, and let us into tidbits of the architects, patrons, current status, who's doing what and whats planned for many homes. She's friendly and knowledgeable so if you think you'll get one by her, HOLD ON! She's getting to it. She also showed me where Beck lives so i can stalk him as the Xenu freak he is. Nice Lotus tho. We plan on taking the Pasadena tour as well.
After that we tooled over to Miracle Mile as Dinner was in that general area. I was still unaware but we hit up Tom Bergins where i got myself (contrary to the receipt) 1 triple Black Bush (aka-Bushmills Blk Label), and one double for the price of one single. The salmon was able to swim around in a pretty good martini with excellent olives. They really were crunchy good!

We hustled over to dinner at AOC Winebar and were seated upstairs (highly recommended for it's lower level of noise) and commensed checking out the menu. You gotta love a place whose wine menu is about 15 pages longers than the actual tiny menu. Thats not to say the menu wasn't good. The food kicked freaking ass and we left our waitress to pair the wine with the food. It's a tapas kinda thing and the servings were plenty since sayshuh stopped by and didn't want to eat. Seriously the waitress kicked ass and made sure we were treated really well. Any time we got up, we returned to a refolded napkin and fresh plates and flatware. We ended with desert of cheese with our wine that was just good.
Leaving the westside we headed home for sweet love and a nap. I couldn't have had a better 31st. Thank you big fishy!!!
what?? b-day at brent's wasn't woth mentioning? no johnny cakes for you!!
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