Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Question for ya
Okay, it's almost halloween. Now here's the question I wanna pose to you.
Someone offers you $10,000 to go stay in a surely haunted house (no other info) for a night with nobody else, no ghostbusting crap or cellphone, just you, a flashlight (and MAYBE your ipod). Now it can also be an abandoned insane asylum (ala Session 9-and if you haven't seen it, get it, it'll freak you the fuck out. Seriously, that shit is scarier than the ring, the grudge all that jazz.) You'd have instant access to a cell phone come sun up.
I know only Joy would probably do it cause she'd say the same thing I did, 10k is alot of freakin money, Hell yeah!
If it was the hotel from the Shining, I wouldn't do it. Hell nah, that shit scared the fuck outta me. Still does, #1 scariest movie in my book.
I'd only do it alone. I don't want anyone else there, cause if I go insane, I'm not gonna know it, fuck it. If I come out after gnawing off my tounge I'll be some freak that lost it and will sit in the new insane asylum the rest of my life and not need the 10k. If someones there, i either lose it and kill them and they witness me freak out, or they lose it and kill me, etc, etc.
I am going to hell
If you want reserved seating, let me know and you can sit at my firey burning customized brimstone table. I stood back to look at my costume and decided I'm surely going to hell. I'll post pics hopefully Tuesday so stay tuned, cause I'm going to be in gayville (west hollywood) only cause theres 60,000 people there and over half of them are straight, seriously, if you're in LA its the best place to be and the most creative costumes. But trust me again, I'm armored this year and I better not get fondled or somebody's getting they hank physically yanked off their body. It's been a coupla years since I've gone but I'm bringin my "A" game. Just remember i sold on EBAY for $26,000. You heard about it, or saw it. Should be good, I'm taking my camelbak full of jim and coke so I should be sufficiently liquored. Good thing I have Tuesday off or it could be ugly.
I spent the lesser part of the day making my costume, but the better part was spent with my friend from work and her dog at the local dog park. Seriously, I want a dog. We were supposed to be getting a boxer soon but that;s not gonna happen. She'll go to a deserving family but I woulda wanted her. That's okay. I'm a lab person, I'll have myself a lab. Soon. J's dog is a chocolate lab and we threw the ball til she was good and tired but she coulda gone a few more hours. I want a dog that'll sleep next to me at night. If I can have someone to tangle up with, I'll take someone to sleep next to with acceptibly bad breath. She agreed that I'll be in hell but will have preferred seating near me downstairs if it comes to it. Probably won't, she's a saint. Well, no she's not but noting that'd get her in the firey depths. Okay, now I'm rambling. i'm out...
pasta peazy...
Saturday, October 29, 2005
In case you were wondering...
The lyrics (ala Joy) to the Pirates of the Carribean. After why be a pirate one day a year?
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char, inflame and ignite,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We're rascals, scoundrels, villans, and knaves,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We're beggars and blighters, ne'er-do-well cads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
what kinda world is this
Where one must travel to 7 different places over the span of 4 hours to find freaking liquid starch? Don't kids do paper mache anymore? Michaels didn't have it, joanne's fabric didn't have it, Target, Ralphs x2, Vons, and finally Smart and Freaking Final had it. I'm tired just from traveling around. This costume better be badass or I'll have to just shoot myself and walk around on halloween as a guy with a hole in him that's bleeding profusely.
Friday, October 28, 2005
i'm taking my mouth into the shop
Went to dinner for Scorley's bday, La Cabanita which was stellar the last time, wasn't as good, and mostly cold by the time it got to us. I hadn't even gotten halfway through my margarita when I got slap happy with bmillah to an extent it coulda turned quickly but i love the guy too much to let that happen, but his wife would've either laughed or left. I was almost to prime form, which isn't good. But the night was ready to end pretty quickly when dinner got there, but I wasn't feelin it after a bit. Now I just have to get to the weekend so I can build my halloween costume. I'll take pics but won't discuss here, yet.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
I had an odd day. I'm trying to get my computer back in order at work as it kinda crashed today. Either way I had to wipe it and I'm in the process of putting things back and getting all my links back. Pain in the arse. Atleast I got to back everything up. But reinstalling everything sucks as I can't do it while i'm working and don't like staying after. I'll just have to come in extra early.
How y'all doin? Yeah I said y'all
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Cool weekly events
Wine & Design
when: Thur 10.27 (6-9pm)
where: Santa Monica Design District (Fourth St and Santa Monica Blvd) map
links: Event Info
Santa Monica's Design District attracts some pretty heavy hitters, from Design Within Reach to the Boffi LA studio and Eames Office Gallery. During the Wine & Design walking tour, the area's finest think tanks and lesser-known studios open their frosted doors to design enthusiasts. There's wine to help inspire the mood as you gawk at the clean lines of Linea and mull over Knoll's sculptural seating. The time to look beyond Ikea has come! (HC)
ART: Opening
Ed Ruscha: Then & Now
when: Thur 10.27 (6-8pm)
where: Gagosian Gallery (456 N Camden Dr, Beverly Hills, 310.271.9400) map
links: Event Info | Ed Ruscha
LA has been Ed Ruscha's muse for some 40 years, and she has never let him down. In 1966, he produced the seminal photographic and conceptual masterpiece Every Building on the Sunset Strip, a book documenting in sequence the facades of, well, every building on the Sunset Strip. In 1973, he did the same thing with Hollywood Blvd. In 2004, he retraced those steps, documenting not only the same stretch of road along the boulevard, but the 31 years of change that came between. This juxtaposition of space and time forms this aptly titled exhibition — a fitting show for the Gagosian Gallery's 10th anniversary in Beverly Hills. (SND)
Monday, October 24, 2005
Just what the doctor ordered
A long friday to get to the destination but well worth it. We left at 8pm on Friday and arrived with everyone there and camp ready and dinner simmering.

Had a good fire, and a few methods of safely inebriating onself cause people like this to not be able to get out of their chair.

Woke up the next morning in like 1 minutes and was up and ready to cook

Thats just most of us waiting around to eat to build the following(stay tuned, he'll make another appearance elsewhere)

mmmmmmmmm burritos.
Went to the tide pools and hiked so both trips condensed into one are as follows

that boy knows how to ride a branch. 4.2 seconds of a thrilling ride

manifest wetme (atleast thats what my future held)

buncha bumps on a log

damn good climbin trees

Oyies stackable rock formations
Friday, October 21, 2005
capitan, take me away
Come this time tomorrow I'll be hiking and chillin on the coastal campsite with good friends. I can't tell you how bad I need to get the fuck out of this city right now. Although we're going to be severly delayed in getting out because someone couldn't tell work she's got her period or something and get out early, but thats okay, we'll get there late and everyone will already be there and everything will be set up.
love it
The supermarket’s called Freshboy Slim’s. Today’s special is used grapes. A bird flies in and everybody goes nuts. A guy yells, "We’re all gonna die you bitches!" He dives into a display of oranges, then farts. The oranges roll all over the place. An architect carrying a model of downtown Houston slips on an orange and falls face down into an ice-cream cake shaped like a fat kid. A midget sweeping the floor inexplicably performs kung fu on a doughnut as male cheerleaders jump for joy. An announcement is heard: "Somebody catch that bird! Reward! Loose change and Pepsi! Chop chop, douchebags!" A beautiful cross-eyed woman named Ralph enters with a sock puppet named Sarsaparilla. Sass says, "Where the Chunky Soups at?" Nobody answers. The bird takes a dump on the midget’s head, so the midget starts karate-chopping chicken cutlets. An old woman pegs the midget on the head with a can of string beans. Two cheerleaders throw a third in the air and he does two flips and lands on his penis. Everybody goes totally nuts.
A policeman enters. No one wants any trouble, especially Sass and the unconscious midget and Ralph and the farting guy who dived into the oranges, so everyone dummies up and acts normal. The policeman’s naked, except for his hat and his nameplate.
"Your chest," says Monsieur Cootch, Freshboy Slim’s assistant manager, "It’s bleeding." Cootch wears a fake beard that touches his feet. The officer says, "I’m naked, Einstein. Where am I supposed to pin my nameplate? To my nose? What are you, an idiot?" Cootch hands the officer thirty packs of Blue Blowout Bubblicious. "You, my friend, get a lot of free gum for that idiot remark. I am loving that boldness." The officer yells "Touchdown!" and spikes the gum on a child’s head. Then he tries to clench five Soap Opera Digests between his ass cheeks.
This is when Howard Dean arrives. Dean rolls up his sleeves and says, "Prices are going up and the Republican wing of the Democratic Party’s in my trunk. So... price check on the weapons of mass destruction!" No lie -- the place goes absolutely berserk. Dean signs some cartons of sherbet and splits. Everyone’s moved, except the midget, who snores. When he regains consciousness, the midget feels vaguely patriotic. Without explanation, he realizes the importance of political activism, the soothing nature of laughter, the sadness of random disadvantage, the smoke of deception, and the weight of responsibility. He knows he’s getting older and he can’t slow it down. He reminds himself to--
Out cold again. Again, the old woman –- yams this time.
I think Paranoid Android is my favorite Radiohead song. I'm not sure what it makes me want to do, but it does make my mind and body twitch. This makes me need to address people at shows that twitch. I might have addressed it already but I like the fact that someone twitches like they're an electrocuted noodle. I admire the fact they are moving. That means the something inside of them is being touched in a way that they're not used to and making them, despite all their regular efforts, move. I like that, and while I may point, or snicker, admire them for letting something, however little, go. I however move like crazy and don't care. I could look funky but I'm not going to hold back. If my head moves in crazy directions, or I bounce or pound my hands against my hips or yell and wave my hands, thats what the music is telling my body to do and I love it.
Please forgive me for my overuse of runon sentences, it was thought flow.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
twitching eyeball
I have been staring at computers for far too long. Too much freelance computer repair, and free computer repair and long hours at work dealing with network outages and viruses launched by aim. I'm sick of them, sick, sick sick, so much so that my left eyeball is twitching. I'm on day 3 of eyeball twitch and I'm waiting for someone to clock me in the eye just to distract me from it. I can hardly wait to go camping and go analog for a couple days. Hurry up weekend and get here dammnit, i want to not shave or shower for a couple. Maybe I'll come in on monday and never have showered so that people can smell me through the phone and not wanna talk to me.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Don't talk to me about it
Say Angels, go ahead, say it. Watch I'll get some spam 2 seconds after I post this there'll be a comment post:
Hey great blog! Come by and see my xcialisx site if you want to get the boils off yer arse. Oh Yeah! The Angels suck, just thought you'd wanna know that, come on by my site.
Hittin' it big TIME.com: Takin' It To The Streets -- Oct. 24, 2005 -- Page 1
This is a friend of ours that got the FIRST 3 PARAGRAPHS IN TIME!!! for chrissake! Oyie stapped a bunch up when we were in Rica. I have some in me car that I stap when I'm in the right place, but rock freakin on. Hopefully we'll go and do some "urban gallery collecting" (aka thievin) do get some stuff to actually put it on in a gallery. Good job!
TIME.com: Takin' It To The Streets -- Oct. 24, 2005 -- Page 1
sample of BRANDED'S work 1
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Abdominal Bliss-This Saturday, invite only
So a wonderful gentleman is returning from the NYC with multiple cosi sandwiches for us. I'm elated, ecstatic, and all the other descriptive e words.
Cosi - Cosi Menu
I'm busting out the Tandoori, and the Tuscan Pesto Chicken. I can't express in words how freakishly good these things are. They just are and if you haven't been to one, well I apologize, make an attempt to get one or help me in emailing the corporate offices over and over to open one here in SoCal. I'm not kidding they put subway, quiznos, and togos to shame. Not Dan's Super Subs, that falls into a whole different category. If you've had it, you know. I'm going to carry my happiness of baseball wins all the way to saturday even if they're about to be swept by that time cause I will once again have me some Cosi.
Monday, October 10, 2005
How you like the Yankees now?!?!
All the shit talkers I had to deal with all week(end) can just shut their pie holes. I had to concede that the Yankees against Bartolo Colon were pretty good, but not against Ervin Santana. So I can be content that I'm wearing the same underwear(cleaned) as their last win, I followed the same rountines as Friday, drove the same route and everything else I could remember, and then proceeded to bite the hell out of my fingernails throughout the beginning of the game. They're gone for the most part and then I started on the coke bottle i finished and chewed that thing up something fierce. i didn't let go of that empty bottle at all throughout the game and finally chucked it after i had paced and paced around the room and rocked like I was autistic in my chair. I was sweating like crazy and nervous as hell. I'm good now and theres not even that many injuries to worry about, just a fatigued team that I can root for. I gotta get tickets to one of these games.
Just another Halo victory!!!
Saturday, October 08, 2005
the way to start weekends
The Brinzas, oyie and I went and saw franz ferdinand last night. It was stressful cause the angels playing the yankees at the same time and I stayed at the car listening as long as I could but then went in and checked a mighty fine show out. Great sound, lighting and music. They beat the hell out of the drums and played a good set with again a nice stage prescence. The graphics they have for their shows are nice as well. Played outdoors at the greek theater is nice as well. We were sufficiently out of our respective minds for it as well and that helped it to another level. Top it all off a cop let me know the angels beat up on the yankees 11-7.
I'm making up new shirts today and then get to film a bit later but no game as it's rained out. Tomorrow i'll make up more shirts as the screens have a literal shelf life. Gotta make up this tritip for dinner, just sounds too damn good right now to let it sit in the freezer
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Rent My Daughter - Child Rental Agency
I will be the 30 year old son to rent, but my pic isn't up yet
Rent My Daughter - Child Rental Agency
Monday, October 03, 2005
weekend of festivites
Started out with a loooooooooong night friday. Nothing bad, but I'm not going into detail. I got home at 6:30 in the am and slept until about 2:30, then got up and prepped for oyie's bday dinner at Lawrys. Hopefully I'll post some pics in a bit, It was a good meal, I had the salmon and lobster tails. Sorry no prime rib this year. Tons of good wine, then desserts and port. Some of us went over to the Museum of Contemporary Art for the Basquiat Show and never made it in. But we had a drink at the outside bar as the scene was pretty good. We wandered over to the Disney Concert Hall and walked around a bit. Sunday, didn't do much, just cleaned and cleaned and cleaned the hell out of the kitchen, then target, groceries and dinner with the wellands and watching the stewie dvd. Pretty funny, not gut busting funny but it was good.
Went to bed early and woke up to my boss calling me to see if i was comin in. I hate it when i forget to turn my alarm back on after the weekend. Then the subsequent traffic that comes after that.