Friday, October 21, 2005


I think Paranoid Android is my favorite Radiohead song. I'm not sure what it makes me want to do, but it does make my mind and body twitch. This makes me need to address people at shows that twitch. I might have addressed it already but I like the fact that someone twitches like they're an electrocuted noodle. I admire the fact they are moving. That means the something inside of them is being touched in a way that they're not used to and making them, despite all their regular efforts, move. I like that, and while I may point, or snicker, admire them for letting something, however little, go. I however move like crazy and don't care. I could look funky but I'm not going to hold back. If my head moves in crazy directions, or I bounce or pound my hands against my hips or yell and wave my hands, thats what the music is telling my body to do and I love it.

Please forgive me for my overuse of runon sentences, it was thought flow.


At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss you.

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like karma police best because they say "arrest this man, he talks in maths."




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