Friday, March 27, 2009

link a good way

All courtesy of the fish - Nixon Tapes and Transcripts


pretty nice jewelry

I don't think i like the fact she did it cause she's a foodie, but my otherregions do.

and good freaking god, she's 43?


Soylent Gleen (i couldn't improve on the salmon subject line)

damn right he said that. it's not like flickin a swit...errr...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

my most favorite hated republican

I just have to find a way to turn the Nixon Tapes and Transcripts into mp3s for my ipod.

this could be really good

plus they use arcade fire for the trailer. dunno havent read much since it was pulled the first time.

Where the Wild Things Are

Friday, March 20, 2009

get well darth vader

Darth Vader actor battles prostate cancer -

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


lessee, it's been a bit

this from the fish

and this from sayshuh

i know yes theres more, but i'm still fulls from corned beef. i wants more

Thursday, March 12, 2009

support local art in Los Angeles

he's one of my dearest friends and needs the support. Spread the word!