Thursday, July 14, 2005

i forgot what i was gonna write here


yeah well, i went to a seminar where I learned interesting things for computer geeks. It was really informative, but I can spare you the details. I have to do it again. Making a nice tasty picnic lunch for myself was the hilight, and reading the paper. I'm helping oyie make some shirts and watching the rest of the angel game then making dinner. Gimme dinner suggestions that are quick and easy, that involve lettuce, chicken, smoked sausage, ground beef, tritip, onions, bell peppers, tortillas, broccoli, cheese, spices, herbs, marinade, limes, wine. I dunno thats what I got, help me out and I'll let you know if it'll hit the pit or not.

I gots tons of drink makins too, (a whole bottle of makers mark-thanks to marzia) vodka, scotch, "liquid panty remover" you'd know if you ever came to my house. It's orange, it's in the freezer and you like it. Pop, bitters, tequila (though i'm not partial), rum, triple sec, puckers, beer.

I'm leaning toward a beer chicken, with a lemon rosemary pepper rub, broccoli peppers, olives, pasta salad, beer bread (gmas recipe-you'd love it trust me, no beer effects of it). I can also makes mom's lumberjack mac and cheese. Shit is good trust me. In fact I might go for that but it'd be a bit warm for 100+ degree weather and no ac. S'okay, some good grass, a bit of wine, my ipod and the kitchen.

I saw something on a notebook that was in my old closet at moms from middle school and I wrote what I saw on the back of a desk, it said:

Grass, Ass, or one rides for free!

I think thats my next shirt or something like it designed up. Iconic like.

pasta, wish it was deeper bit beeyonce feat 50 cent came on itunes while I was writing and i didn't change it. It's actually pretty fly. not heavy on my rotation....i gotta quit smokin and typin, shits dangerous.


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