can i make this last weekend a do over?
Friday we took off straight from work to hit up the OC and saw Moving Units at House of Blues Anaheim with the Wellands. They were good, but need to lay off the smack as they din't look too good. I was on a mission to put the week behind me and drank too much. I felt fine til I got in the car and that was it. I was out and so was my stomach. I'll leave it at that. The next day I finally picked up a new cellie so I can make calls again. Look out for odd pics from me randomly in my world.
Saturday, we tooled back down to the OC and hit up an Angel game with the Wellands. Angels got beat, embarrassingly enough. Now I'm 0-1 on home games dammnit. I'll have to go to a couple more to get the percentage up. But it was a bummer watching them loose. I think it's cause we didn't do the usual seat change to really good seats and watch from field level.

Yesterday had the motivation to make a couple shirts and do not a whole lot of anything else. I'm cleaning today. I did make it over to Mann's Chinese Theater and saw War of the Worlds. Ehhhhhh, it was alright. Not great, not bad, but not great. Let me know what you thought as to how it ended cause I'm not sure still as to how or why it ended the way it did.
Home run derby tonight, then I get to TIVO the all star game tomorrow as I'm going to see artifacts from King Tut. This is a really hot ticket item so I'm jazzed that I get to go, plus ma is damn fun to analyze art with, it's something we've done since I was a wee little laddie. I can hardly wait to get home and clean though as seriously, I couldn't get motivated. I looked on ebay to see if I could buy motivation, but alas, none to be found.
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