Friday, May 13, 2005

i was thinking

with gas prices in california (highest in the country) finally going down this week below 2.50 for 87, 2.92 for 92 I was thinking. If gas is one of the last precious resources, being less plentiful than gold, why the hell isn't it 10.00 a gallon. I bet a helluva lot of us would start riding bikes, no matter how far, there could be family sized sam pam bikes. SUV's wouldn't sell as much. I mean ultimately gas is mashed up dinosaurs, and last I checked there weren't that many of those left to die, so they won't last us through the next millenium. I was pretty pissed that I was paying $40 a tank but maybe I shouldn't be. I can be pissed that Mr. Bush(i will start referring to him as Mr. Bush in disrespect kinda like I refer to Ben Affleck as BenEh-fleck in disrepect) wants to drill in an arctic wildlife refuge in Alaska. But what are we to do with the insatiable lust for wasting that americans have.

I would like to introduce the new line of '05 Begley's (after mr. earthday himself Ed Begley-ala St. Elsewhere). As I'm contemplating buying a new car, i'm leaning less and less away from the full size pickup I want, to a hybrid. It'll pay for itself after a couple years. And maybe when that car dies, i can recycle it in someway, or find a way for it to biodegrade. So recycle people, for the love of god recycle, and walk when you can, ride a bike, teleport if you have to. Cause I can't justify bitching for high gas prices. I can only bitch about the moronic presidential administration.


At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get a nice size tax credit from buying a hybrid.
I want to teleport, that'd be sweet.

At 3:31 PM, Blogger Teo said...

i want to fly. no gadgetry, just fly. i mean as we're talking about current impossibilities.


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