Tomatoes continued...
Here goes:
Last night, I was staring at a handful of tomatoes, some 'Early Girls' that Teo had bestowed upon me. I chopped them up, along with chopped garlic, truffle oil, salt and balsamic vinegar. Tossed it all up, and it made for a mighty tomato salad that tasted like a red heaven. It made for a terrific topping for ground beefsteak I made for lunches. The beefsteaks were made with organic ground beef, paprika, pepper, soy, garlic, onion, and cooked with the lean mean grilling machine. As you will see from the lovely aftermath pictures below. Notice the burnt gristle, overflow of oil and fat, and the mess that was not 'so easy to clean'. Teo, that one was for you and your family, thank you for the tomatoes."

teo can make that one up here for the busted-back-girl...waaaaaaah
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