Monday, July 23, 2007

aight then...

i submitted my bid for that job and will see what they come back with. i just hope my connex with the copywriter help. next onto my unemployment...

it's hot, it's muggy and feels kinda like texas did. hmmmmm foreshadowing?

went and picked up dog food and hit a bike ride and moms and thats about it. i gots work to do, then potter to read. my sis thinks i'm crazy that the 7th edition is sitting in my possession and not being read. but i'm in the middle of (rereading) order of the phoenix and will get to the next (half blood) shortly. but the 7th ed can be put to better use in the hands of sayshuh who can't handle the rumormill and whispers. he gets it and will NOT share anything with me. i want to read it in mammoth.

aight then back to sweating, wish me fuck....not luck, me, salmon'll know.

hopefully i have more interesting shit soon!


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