i'd get up by my feet melted
I got home yesterday to a pretty warm house only to experience a brown out and got to sit around wondering if it was just the circuit breaker, it was not. However it WAS over 100 outside and inside was pushing that. I sat outside for an hour or so until I heard every ac unit in the neighborhood click and clack back on. I went back inside to watch my beloved baseball team beat up on the Yankees. I was like putty in the chair and was dozing off over and over it was so hot. But the Angels won.
Following is my transcript to my dear friend that can im faster than a bullet. well shes not at her desk right now so i jsut wanted to use my caffeine overdose properly:
tim: C"MON i'm all hyper and where the hell are you!?!
tim: boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
tim: boo
tim: scurred ya din't i?
tim: you're gonna get back and theres gonna be a thousand messages
tim: cause i've been flooding saras
tim: told her I feel like larisa
tim: typing all fast and stuff
tim: sending out like 30 messages before any response
tim: it's good times
tim: so it's pretty hot huh?
tim: toohot almost
tim: i'm trying not to spend any time at home
tim: too hot
tim: no ac
tim: freakishly hot
tim: housesitting moms
tim: she's got ac
tim: but doesn't leave til this weekend
tim: so i bribed my brother with dinner and i'm going over there to hang out and weeze his ac
tim: good times
tim: so you're still not back from lunch huh>
tim: c'mon
tim: heyloooooooooooooooooooooo
tim: no oyie either
tim: in detroit
tim: he went to a baseball game yesterdy
tim: or the day before
tim: called me from it
tim: the lucky bastard
tim: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
tim: so when you get back i'll probably be at lunch
tim: i like fridays
tim: they're usually slow
tim: people wanting to take 3 day weekends and stuff
tim: do you like hamburgers
tim: i used to put baseball cards in my bike tires and they'd be all clickety clack
tim: i ate all of saras chocolate chip cookies they were good
tim: wish i had more
tim: have you ever tried to count the grains of sand when you're at the beach?
tim: it's hard
tim: theres alot of grains
tim: i betcha theres more sand on one beach than anyone can count
tim: and the
tim: then
tim: you multiply it by how many beaches there are
tim: thats alot of glass
tim: you'd think that when a window breaks they'd recycle it right back into sand
tim: but i guess you can't do that
tim: can you remake it into a window?
tim: is glass recyclable?
tim: hmmmmmmmmmmmm
tim: okay i'm going to blog now
tim: i might include this
tim: in fact
tim: i will
I'm just damn bored today. here's some pics my boy Dean took, he's into photography and photography at our house

I think the key to counting the amount of grains of sand on the beach is to take several samples of say, a cubic foot, or some such unit, average the number of grains per cubic foot, and then calculate the number of cubic feet of beach in the world, thus probably giving you an accurate count of the number of grains of sand.
thats not very zen, you're killing my buzz
i tend to talk to myself at work, sing to myself too, to the chagrin of my coworkers. good times.
whats that symbol that dean made? kinda cool, don't know what it is, but it's cool
I don't believe I just read that whole post.
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