Thursday, June 22, 2006

just nasty

I woke up yesterday with a stye in my eye. My eyelid was swollen as hell and everything was blurry. I called work and said there was no way i was going to try and negotiate the 405 when i couldn't see, so I stayed home. Senora Solstice came over to tend to me and drive me all over the place. I just called my doctor and they told me what to do as I already had eye drop antibiotics. We did some resume stuff and then went to ernies in burbank which turned out to be pretty bad mexican food. After that we headed over to Granada Hills to look at a tract of Eichler homes (bad ass mid century modern-huge windows, flat ceilings, personal little courtyards at the entryways). It was kinda depressing, there were, I'd say about 60+ homes but only about 1/2 still looked like Eichlers. Idiots totally killed the courtyards or removed windows, stucco'd them, added tile roofs. They were hideous. There mighta been about 7-8 really really nice ones, with the funky pastel doors, sliding wood panel garage doors, and custom numbering for the address. It was sad. I think i only yelled at a few houses admonishing them for doing what they did to their homes. They were also reselling some for 800K and labeling them as Eichlers when they didn't remotely look like one anymore. assholes....

Toured the old college campus and looked at original oldtime movie posters and ran into some old instructors. It was a salvaged day that ended really damn well.

Today my eyelid looks like it's got a giant whitehead on the edge of the lid. Nasty. But i still want to pop it. Atleast I can see.


At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ernies is the worst.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger dean said...

remember I told you about that white shit on the way to Malibu?

At 3:22 AM, Blogger measly said...

pop that fucking thing.

and make sure your roomies get video of it.

i will give you $5 if you do.

me luv you long time

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find that I get a stye in my eye a few times a year. It can be due to irritants in the air, or in my case more often than not, from stress. The doctors will tell you NOT to pop it (I've been getting them since I was a teenager) but I DO pop them. I gave up on the ointments and drops - they only irritated my eye worse; instead I pop it, and use a steril eye wash (you can get at the local Rite Aid or the like) and wash out my eye a couple of times a day - in 2 or 3 days, it is usually gone. Good luck with it!

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...empirical testing has conveyed the fact that a Sty is caused by gay sex.


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