Sunday, August 14, 2005


i'm officially in a bit of discomfort. i put on sunscreen but i guess not high enough as I hiked up my shorts to get my upper thighs some sun and they're burned. i'm hurtin. i need some aloe. I can easily say i'm in a measurable degree of discomfort, but not after I got sent possibly the foulest mostest disgusting video i've seen in sometime. I can't share it here, but if you think you can handle it i'll send it to you. It's disgusting. I will definitely discourage people from watching it and may say no to some requests. It's not cruel or violent but utterly and fantastically disgusting. To the point i bellowed and left the room to call the person that sent it to me. I asked if he showed his wife and he said NOWAY and that i could show it to her the next time i came over. and I will, just to let her know what her sweetie is looking at. c'mon some of you are curious but none of you will probably see it. I'm going to hell, i know it. now my eyes are burned, i'm going to go rub some aloe on them.


At 7:35 AM, Blogger Teo said...

uh uh, no way, especially after you went to a new church

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you'll be sending it to me, right!? :D


At 11:18 AM, Blogger *Monica said...

If you have time, it might cure my boredom

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Teo said...

dude it's sexual and just nasty! if you really want it i'll forward it, but i'm warning you, it'll make you dry heave, and in no way should it be shown near the kids.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger dean said...




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