Sunday, November 13, 2005

holy crap n criminy

I'm cool on star wars, really cool. If i don't hear about it for a while, i'll be good. Went to a hobby convention in freaking walnut this weekend and that crap was all star wars (like we wanted) but I'll be okay if I don't have to talk about it for a while. Espeically if you're 9 years old. Don't get me wrong. I love my nephews but man that was alot of star wars and one of them had the gumption to say that they didn't appreciate what they picked out. Mind you THEY picked their own toys out, I just paid for them. One of them said that they were wondering how long they had to wait before they put the ones I got for them on ebay. grrrrrrr. Still fun tho. They had their first Tommy's and I prolly had my last. Thats some serious cholesterol.

I also got time wth the niece and nephew. The niece wasn't feeling it tho. We went for yuko's bday dinner tonight and it was pretty damn good. Sushi in Santa Monica. Alot of it. And alot of sake. I came home with a bunch of fasionable shot glasses even after some banker guy (looked like one AND was wearing a Fidelity Investments jacket) asked me where to score an 8-ball. Got me but I directed him to where I thought he might find one. Good times. Really good food. I'm gonna watch extras, its a new one. My door broke on my car so i have to crawl over to the passenger side. Gotta figure that one out tomorrow. Even more good times!!!


At 11:25 AM, Blogger dean said...

you're in Walnut? dude....I'm 3 minutes away from that area......sorry about your car but u need some crawling to ease those food^^

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can play Dukes of Hazzard with your car, sweet!

I just ate too much food, and I need sleep.



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