Wednesday, September 14, 2005

just a couple things

First thing, is someone went around on my desk and took parts of my paper, that I pay for, dammnit, not much cheeses me off more. They took my sports page before I got to read it. I almost knocked someone out when i caught them eating my lunch out of a community work fridge and that ultimately got me fired (long story) but man, not much pisses me off, but touch my newspaper or my food and I'll lose it a bit.

Now onto more obvious news:

Several Sept. 11 commission members said it looks like little has changed in federal disaster planning since the attacks on New York and the Pentagon. A Senate Republican, Susan Collins of Maine, said the Katrina response was plagued by confusion, communications failures and widespread lack of coordination - all of which should have been addressed by expensive post-Sept. 11 reforms.

This could be Bush's legacy. According to various independent polls:

-Two-thirds of the public think he could have done more to help Katrina's victims. More than half say he deserves blame for the slow response.

-Fewer than half say Bush has strong leadership qualities, down from 63 percent in October 2004.

-More than half say they don't trust Bush's judgment in a crisis.

And then there's Iraq.

Heres the kicker though:

Bush's challenge is to convince Americans that the war on terror, the war in Iraq and the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast can be tackled together. "I can do more than one thing at one time," he said defensively Tuesday.

Great he can chew bubble gum and walk at the same time. I think.


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