Tuesday, October 24, 2006


So do I take a potentially 8-10k pay bump to become a full time designer with my company? They seem to be pushing for me to take it despite the fact I've turned it down and they're still interviewing people. I suppose I should be flattered. Also despite the fact that the position is in a department that has been in a measured amount of turmoil. I want to find out if I can be given atleast a halfhearted guarantee of job safety. I need about 6 months to get enough pieces for my book to look good enough for work elsewhere. Hell I already have done a few kinda nice layouts. I know what the salary ranges are, and they're still lower than what I make doing the freelance, but thats a different egg. I would tell them they are GETTING a preferred rate at what I was charging them. But it IS still hourly with the prospect of plenty of ot. The money would be good. Close to 60 if not at or above sans overtime. We'll see, I have spoken to my boss and he gives his blessing so I'm going to see if they exceed my ultimate minimum.


At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats awesome - if you needed help filling out your book, ya could ask me anytime...i always need help with random freelance or pro bono stuff - or i could give you my thoughts on particular pieces, not that i'm someone u should listen to...

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Teo said...

wokay, now it's looking more like a 6-8k bump, but hey so what

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever will make you happy...[aww]

At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck in whatever you decide!

At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Play hard to get. The bitches want you.



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