it's comin mark my words
World War 4 people it'll be here. This is my theory and no matter how far fetched it is, it's still gonna happen. I dont' like to soapbox or grandstand that often but here goes.
We skipped WW3, theres no way it can happen. That was specifically between Russia and the US and that ain't gonna happen. Therefore we jump straight into George Bushs' (not senior, he was still ww3 but studying up on the middleeast) Crusade cause if you think this isn't the 4th crusade you're jokin yourself son. It's all about falsely spreading democrapsy (not a typo) in the name of christianity and with this country being a majority minority we get to plant the seed in immigrants' and emigrants', and asylumed citizens (yes citizens) heads. Whether it's Iraq, Afganistan, Iran, Korea, Palestine, Israel, or Palestine, we can't win. Theres no way. Korea will be smart and flex it's nuclear silo muscles and wait, wait, wait until we are so overstretched with manpower, even after a draft (it's comin, save your women, and children). Georgies regime won't be selective, women and kids bleed just as well as men do. We are going to end up policing for the sake of oil or money cause if you think it's democracy, well you're just dumb. Palestine and Israel, well thats a pretty righteous war cause it's been going on for 3000 years and not a damn soul has been able to keep the peace for very long. Those people weren't meant to live in the same hemisphere let alone the same city. Moses mighta picked the wrong spot, but I can't argue for either side. Either way the US is on Israels side whether i like it or not, i really have no preference. we end up going to iran cause well that fool is crazy and just gonna end up another fanatical regime that this cabinet has to systematically take out. Hell lets go to venezuela while we're at it. They have oil, we need it cause you heard they're givin out a years gas if you get a hummer now. So go...seriously now, go get one. dumb fuck. But we don't listen to Germany who said all along our intel was horrible and most likely false. we don't listen to the weapons inspectors. Who's to stop us? The voters? sheeyit, they watch too much tv and listen to shit ass ad campaigns and the dems sit there pickin crabs outta teddy kennedy's pubes. Seriously, watch korea, why are we positioning patriots in japan when theres already so many of them in S Korea? Why is the media listening to george bush saying that its the media eroding the war on terror. Refocus on afganistan and pakistan not iraq you puppet fuck and go after al qaeda not people that are fighting because they're pissed we're occupying their country not liberating it. it's not germany, and it's not japan where we can fuck em up the ass with attrition or nukes then set up "peaceful" bases for 60 years and counting. The middleeast i'm thinking isn't going to roll over like that, and nobody is gonna be surprised by a nuke cause anyone can get one apparently.
Fight people, fight back against the government. Don't listen to their shit, don't let the media roll over in fear of jail time. Remember there was a time when it was respectable going to jail in protest of bullshit. complacency be gone and voice yourself. I know it won't happen until the draft but it will will come and you won't be happy about it.

i'm done
damn!! how fucking hot is it there in the valley??
not that hot and i wasn't even drunk. go fig, i was just pissed after watching that stupid puppet fuck rip the media for it's negative reporting on his war.
yeah - there's big ol' china too, and they don't like us, not one bit. especially since we also back japan, taiwan and like you said we have missiles pointed up their nose. and thanks to wal mart, among other things. we really need to step up production on the montauk chair though. and maybe place more of the budget on the supersoldier program. plus the whole weather control program has gone haywire and the low frequency EMF waves that are being sent from russia really fuck with the midwest. its interesting - there have been skeptics that had brought it to our attention that 700,000 new beds were purchased for U.S. prisons a few years ago - for what reason? Draft dodgers of course. But its all good - once congress gets done debating over whether or not U.S. flags can be burned or not, our day will come. Blob bless amerikkka.
Horay~ Japan and Taiwan^^
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