fun weekend
So we took off for Mammoth at about 6:30 friday and headed up. Didn't get in until bout midnite. Kan, brinza, and the wellands showed up shortly after us. Tons and tons of freaking snow. We had some cocktails and walked the pooch around town til about 2am. Got up the next day early as hell cause my furry alarm clock let me know that the altitude had made him very regular. We cruised around town some more and ate juevos con chorizo while watching wedding crashers. Headed out after the others boarded and hit up Whiskey Creek for happy hour. It made me damn happy, so happy i only last up til post dinner and a 9:00 bedtime where i missed Trivial Pursuit. If you know me, you know i don't miss that game. i OWN IT. We got up on sunday and had to be out of the place at 10am so we rolled back into the village and had some crepes and panini's then hit the road. We hit Bishop and Schaats freaking bakery. Yommay, nuff said. After that we hit up Manzanar. It was a relocation/internment camp for the japanese living in the LA area during WW2. It was pretty crazy, and bigger than i thought even though there aren't really any buildings still standing. Eerie, thought the ghosts speak loudly. It's at the base of the Sierra Nevadas (big snow capped mountain range) with nothing but desert around. It's seriously desolate now even with a major highway running through. To think of it 60 years ago it might as well have been the moon. Really cool to put a visual with the book (mandated for public middle schools) Farewell to Manzanar. So thats about it. we made it back, it was fun, ate well, hung with loved ones, and got to make alot of yellow snow (to coax the dog into peeing).

I'll post about it in a bit, after I eat some more of my Schaats lemon coffee cake.
I want Hiram!
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