weekend pics

Freaking asians and their cameras

Lunch in santa ynez at Fess Parker Winery

Getting the lowdown on a bad wine

Us waiting at Firestone winery cause none of us wants to drink it.

Bridlewood=good wine and a gorgeous countryside

Melissa of the mountain

Most of the girls

i might be a tad buzzed

Out last winery for just a few of us

Homage to oyie

They didn't smell good

6 people one photobooth=good pictures

Superbowl grub after a few superBOWLS (huh? ohhhh, i get it)

we's eatin

My boy dean, check his photos, they're linked under more ish't


watching the game

Whats left of the xmas tree. this was only half of it and that flame was much much taller than me.

the pooch, that was more tired than me after his dog park run.
you are kind of rocking that ben roethlisberger look.
big ben got shaved on letterman, i may have to alter my look
I want the doggy.
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