eff the adoption snootiness. I save them from facists.

The pound people were actually really nice, I just needed adequate setup. I found a pooch on a site on Friday that jumped out and me as "the one." I couldn't get to him on Friday so I got up early as hell on saturday morning and went to get him. The second I saw him he didn't bark a bit, but his butt wagged the rest of his body and he just got really happy. I got him out of his enclosure and walked him to check his joints. He looked good and was super strong pulling me on the leash. He got chipped and they let me know he was quarantined for Kennel Cough, and that he'd need to be fixed. They let me take him home that morning and I decided on a name before I left. He didn't have a name like the multitudes of other dogs there only A771442 and he was set to live for 25 more days. So I figured with the dark and dank surroundings and the duhumanization (caninization?) that he resembled a concentration camp detainee, so naturally I would give him a Jewish name. HIRAM!!! yes you can call him Hymen (everyone else is) or Hye for short. he's getting the hang of it and is pretty dang smart but more than anything he's the sweetest dog ever! He did a ton of sleeping cause he got out of jail and was sick so the 1st 24 were just adrenaline for him. Yesterday was better but at night it was pretty cool and he was panting really heavily and hotter than a hot water bottle. So i took him to a 24 vet, they referred me to another one, who also referred me to another one (no it's not 12:30 am, i love driving around in the middle of the night) Good thing is he's pretty good in cars. He just lays his head in my lap and snoozes. He was pretty good after a long car ride as the vet said but still got antibiotics. he was not too happy this morning evident by him sneezing in my face blowing a huge thing of snot all over me. But thats okay. He's now my kid and I love him. But it's been an expensive weekend, but well worth it. I tell you people are all over him in public. Wish I'd get noticed 1% as much as him.
I like the doggy... he'll bark at the bad guys though, right?
when a bad guy comes over I'll let you know
he's so cuddly looking.
i'm jealous.
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