ain't been bloggin much so here goes
This week was a looooong week. So long it needed 4 extra vowels. The door handle on the drivers side of my car broke and i had to get the car into the mechanic for something he already fixed. It was taking me 2 hours to drive a pretty short distance 4 days this week. Trying to get to the damn place was a bitch. I'm fighting the lingering cough and phlegm of my cold and waited to get to Friday. We went and saw the Shout Out Louds last night and that shit was pretty off the hook. i shouted....out loud. But i also caught a quick nap in between bands. Everyone in the entourage thought I passed out but was I was fine, not drunk and not beligerant. Just tired from not much sleep and a long workday.

Tonight is the ReNew Ah'lens Ghetto Gras Masquerade at our house. There will be beads. There will be masks, and hopefully there will be costumes. But either way it'll be fun, plenty of people rollin out. We're not going as crazy in making shirts for everyone, but we still have some raffle prizes, and all these beads. The chore of cleaning the house is at task now as the gardeners are doing a number on the backyard. poor guys. Bet they're wishing we called them more often. It's nice and clean right now though back there. Gotta take the bottles and cans from teh last party in and go do some shopping and some decorating. I'll post some pics this week. Can't tell ya what I'm dressing up as just yet.
Tomorrow is sweet Emmy's baptism so I have to get all the debauchery out tonight so I can repent tomorrow. Still a ton to do, and I have to get this wax out of my hair from last night. I feel like my head is a big piece of cooked bacon with all of it in there. Me hair is in that in between stage of growin and I'm ready for it to be long again so I don't ahve to put anything in it. So theres the update. Hope y'all are good. make it here if you can. Call me I'll give you directions.
I'll be there and take some pics^^
it's 0120 am ans I'm home saafe~ sure I took some awesome pics and nice to see you all^^
I love you all~
i love that guy in the back where i'm sleeping
that pic of that guys behind you is classic. bye bye retina.
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