Friday, August 05, 2005

mmmmmmmmm friday

I slept in my bed for the first time in almost two weeks last night. It was heaven. Heaven I tell you, I also got to catch up on Entourage episodes and got tons of clean laundry. I slept way past my zero wake up time but still made it to work in time.

This weekend the nephews all come over. We're gonna play like pirates and never wear out (cause we won't be drinking rum) and launch some rockets and play kickball. We're gonna give mom some time off this weekend, and beat the crap out of each other.

Today we're having Tito's Tacos. Damn it's good., yommay. Exclusive to LA and damn good. I know yer jealous, but don't be, cause I won't share anyways!


At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You rule!!


At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

judging by the fire and brimstone gas emiting from your burning ass last night, you are hereby banned from partaking in anymore tito's tacos ever again.



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