if he had balls they woulda frozen off
Hard for me to talk about all thats been goin on but i'll give you the highlights not the lowlights. I took a 4 day weekend and part of it was spent in Mammoth decompressing, literally. The altitude the gas, the poo, scatology is at the forefront in the mountains. The pooch loved it, i loved it even though the 3 floor climb with all the stuff we brought was sometimes exhausting. Hye did quite well and remembered how to be a dog. After jumping into a frozen lake he showed no signs of even being cold but thats cause the dog with balls....has no balls.
However, tonight is Bloc Party at the Wiltern, baby!

My dog has good taste in beer.

he intentionally blocked her out of the shot.

This is what soyrizo looks like before/after your colon.

Lakes above Mammoth

when a halfbreed remembers his labradority

For a split second i was ready to go in there and get im.

NOw thats just purdy

Charles Atlas

There was a large crack in that ice riiiiiiiight there.

Frozen waterfalls in the distance under one of the minarets

wet and happy

Dis is how we roll in da pub, 6 deep, round one on the black-n-tans, listening to irish folk music

God bless beef jerky in the middle of nowhere is what i'm sayin

excellent album mon frer...my lungs have been weakened - but i could sure use a black & tan though...for breakfast...
let's do it again^^
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