Wednesday, September 13, 2006

damn yooooooooooooooou!!!

damn you trader joes reduced fat cheetos (joetoes? somehow it just doesn't sound appealing). i am hiding you out of view. i've eaten enough of you and your occasional need for cheesy addiction.

but thank you sound team for playing throughout my morning. I enjoyed you thoroughly. you too emily haines.

now bugger off all of you! especially you joetoes........yes, yes, i know you'll all be back. notty bastards.

Lou Dobbs said it aight this morning...

I, for one, do not want to hear another of our generals urge the American people to be patient. Patience favors the enemy. And our generals have the responsibility to our brave troops and this nation to deliver certain victory, and that responsibility rests first and foremost with the commander in chief.

atleast the accountability part. Certain victory will be assured for americans by Ho Chi Minh, as history will atest.....oh wait, we didn't win that one either.


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