A subject very important to me
I feel like I need to take matters into my own hands and reveal to the world an atrocity most don't know about. Sometimes one feels strongly enough about something to alert the world and share these horrible things so that we learn from them and make an earnest effort to make sure these events are not repeated.
Alot of talk goes around in the blogoshere about many things but I have to take this time and my (in)significant influence to pull away the wool from peoples eyes' and show them that things can be different. I'm speaking of Kite-ricide. The systematic killing or forced suicide of kites around the world.
I'm fortunate enough to live near a large park where i see many a happy kite soaring high in the sky, happier than fresh baked pies. But recently I have come to recognize unhappy or enslaved kites. More and more I see kites of all origins and nationalities that aren't happy. Most people think that kites are inanimate objects. I ask, "How could they be?" They are definitely not inanimate whilst soaring above providing pleasure to the masses. But I ask you this, how would you feel if you were put away for the majority of the year? How would you feel on windless or rainy days if your potential could never be found or even known?
This brings me to the difficult subject of kite suicide. Most, as I've said, are happy kites appreciated by their owners. Most of these are purebred kites, like acrobatic or high altitude kites, that are given lovely homes with spacious storage and kite aficionados that tend to their needs and repair them when needed. But most kites are needlessly tossed aside, sometimes after a single use. These are the homogenous kites sometimes and can be identified by their markings (ie-Power Rangers, Bratz dollz). These are often peddled like slaves from such slavery institutions like walmart or the summerfront displays at 7-11. They are not given proper attention and are often tossed into dingy garages or balconies where their delicate makeup of plastic spines and cheap vinyl cross sections are subjected to being stacked on or worse yet exposed to the elements that harm it most, sun and rain.
I have personally witnessed this strain placed on kites at city parks where the uncaring flier lets the flimsy string trail too far giving a wayward kite the perfect opportunity to use the next strong draft to snap that cable and soar to an all-too-soon death. Do we blame the kite? Is the kite-esteem too low? How could it be from such lofty heights? I say no, this is in part to the careless untrained flier that cares not to even look for their errant kite long enough to know that they could have followed the string trail to find their possibly (seriously) injured companion.
I myself awoke to the following grisly scene in my own backyard where a kite had made it's last dive into our yard. The disconcerting part was that I don't think the kite died immediately. It had fallen, seriously injuring itself after catching it's string on our television antennae and dived into our concrete and gravel yard. Then, apparently, it dragged itself to our firepit where it wished it's last moments would indicate it's desired burial and subsequent resting place. I myself feel somewhat responsible as we don't even use the antennae anymore thanks to the cable company. Now i warn you the following image has been deemed graphic and may be unsuitable for children, kites or the faint of heart. Discretion is strongly suggested.

here is an additional unidentified corpse:

This brings me to my final point, Kite Homicide. There are those so careless, so
vile, that they would nary blink an eye at an intentional kite dive bomb straight into the ground. I've seen these people occasionally and have to turn away in shock. I read about one serial killer often, and nobody(!) Not a single person or dominant kite stands up to put this monster behind bars! Following one of his latest exploits
where he feigns concern but is merely mocked. I say, this mockery fuels his acts to purport larger, continual and ever more atrocious killings. They're systematic and this heathen must be stopped! Again graphic content to follow.

How this individual could be so brazen AND to include his megalomaniacal psychiatrist as well is beyond me. They must be stopped. They appear to be natural born killers for the world to be ENTERTAINED by?!? They must be stopped. Please help me. If you see this kind of behavior or treatment, please call your local kite authorities immediately.
we must put a stop to this. is there an organization i can join?
i enjoy thorough use of the derogatory term - kigger...and they deserve to be hanging from a tree...dirty kiggers...
man you are welcome at my table in hell. Your wife is going to be pissed at me for taking you away from her, even when i tell her you got your own damn invitation! you're DEFINITELY going to black hell!
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